New Arrivals available now from September trip
Classic Beauty

The Pearl.
It is a classic beauty that can be worn on any occasion. A simple pair of Pearl stud earrings will grace any woman's face while an exquisitely crafted Pearl ring adorns her hand. The Pearl strand graces her lovely neck, supporting a classic beauty.
I have always loved Pearls. It is probably because where you find a Pearl is my favorite vacation...a dreamy warm beach by the ocean.
Pearls are organic gems. They grow inside the tissue of living saltwater or freshwater oyster or a mussel. There are two classifications of Pearls: Natural and Cultured. Natural Pearls form when the mollusk secretes a substance called nacre around an irritant such as a piece of sand or a parasite that has invaded its shell. Cultured Pearls occur when a piece of mantle tissue is implanted alone or with a mother-of-Pearl bead into a host mollusk. The mollusk covers the irritant with nacre, just like a natural Pearl. Cultured Pearls are cultivated in Pearl farms – saltwater or freshwater operations where the mollusks are cleaned, protected from predators, and harvested. It is rare to find a Natural Pearl today. Thousands of years of Pearl fishing have destroyed the Natural Pearl beds. That is why most of the Pearls today are Cultured Pearls.
From the GEM Encyclopedia, we learn that:
Saltwater cultured Pearls are grown in many areas around the world. Akoya cultured Pearl farms are primarily found in Japan and China. South Sea cultured Pearls are farmed from the northern coast of Australia through Indonesia to the southern coast of Southeast Asia, with large operations in the Philippines as well. The Gambier Islands and the Tuamotu Archipelago, both part of French Polynesia, are two locales where the rich black Tahitian Pearls are cultured. China is the dominant source of freshwater cultured Pearls.
Natural Pearls have been found in the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf) for at least 5,000 years, while divers have been recovering the June birthstone from the Red Sea since 300 BCE. The Strait of Mannar has been providing Pearls since 2000 BCE. Starting in the 16th century, during Spanish colonial rule, large quantities of Pearls were recovered from the waters off Mexico, Central America and what is now Venezuela. Only small quantities of Pearls are found in any of these areas today.1
Tina's Toes needs to take a world tour of Pearls, but I will probably just be satisfied with a trip to Mumbai (Bombay) to see the Pearls cultivated in the India Ocean.
Did you know that Pearl-bearing mollusks can not survive in polluted waters? That is why you will find Cultured Pearls in Pearl farms far away from civilization and in breathtaking locations. Hmmm, maybe that Pearl World Tour should be on my bucket list!
Pearls have always been associated with purity, humility, and innocence. As such, Pearls were traditionally given as a wedding gift. But no matter what the occasion, Pearls make the perfect gift…and we have a few to choose from rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. All our Pearls are Cultured Pearls. We also have Baroque pearls…these are new to the collection. And the best news—I just received word today that the pearl studs will be mailed and should arrive in a couple of weeks. I am getting three sizes, 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm. These will be the best affordable gift for any special woman or young girl!
Here are a few more interesting tidbits about Pearls. The ancients from the Middle East thought that the Pearl was a teardrop fallen from heaven. The Chinese thought that the gem came from the brain of a dragon. Yikes! Christopher Columbus and his companions thought that the mollusk formed a Pearl from dew drops.
The Pearl gemstone is also thought to have therapeutic properties. In the ancient Hindu Holy test, the Pearls were said to impart long life and prosperity. In Asia, Pearls were believed to help alleviate indigestion and hemorrhages. During the 19th century, Arab physicians maintained that Pearl powder improved eyesight, quieted nervous tremors, and eased depression. I am not grinding up my Pearls for any reason!!
Pearls are a comparatively soft gem and require special care. It is best to store them separately from other gemstones and metal jewelry to prevent scratching. It is best not to store your Pearl in a plastic bag — plastic can emit a chemical that will damage their surface. When getting dressed, it is always best to apply perfume, hair products, and cosmetics before putting on your Pearl jewelry. The best way to clean your June birthstone is to use a soft, damp cloth, ideally after each time the Pearls are worn.
Come by and see our Pearl Collection, or view it online here {]